2013 / 11 / 22

This season 's hottest super Meng , Japan and Taiwan , " lying silkworm makeup"

Core Tip: "lying silkworm makeup" , Japan and Taiwan girls love it all because of this lying silkworm makes a lovely , poor feeling, the power to attract the opposite sex , with earlier innocent eyes have a similar effect . Can enhance the charm of the lower eyelid , so eyes look Smart mild ......

Though Korea tidal surge , but for Japanese makeup tide I still persistent fascination , all because they can put a delicate facial features extended position evolved into a makeup unexpected surges, often amazing ! Season like Japan's " lying silkworm makeup" so that we can easily be overlooked that usually begins striking parts of the I , also contributed to the rise of Taiwan, South Korea also . Japan and Taiwan girls love it all because of this lying silkworm makes a lovely , poor feeling, the power to attract the opposite sex , with earlier innocent eyes have a similar effect . So of lying silkworm makeup can enhance the charm of the lower eyelid , so gentle eyes looked clever , and they come together to create the full charm of the delicate and charming little girl look like it !

VS bags lying silkworm

When I say do "lying silkworm makeup ," and all my colleagues lying silkworm booing and bags under study were , in fact, is a big difference !

Lying silkworm : refers to the close of a muscle beneath the lower lashes with the same eyes are elongated , because like a silkworm deposited in the eyes while lying silkworm under the same name , Song Hye Kyo , Vivian Hsu , Luo and others have this cute the lying silkworm. In Taiwan, more cosmetic technique of micro injections of hyaluronic acid molecules create artificial lying silkworm !

Bags under the eyes : they would go in low lying areas silkworm , counting from the lower eyelid swelling about 2-3cm -shaped , round, regardless of how facial expressions will appear , is the eye.

Lying silkworm lit innocent !

Only focus on past the end of eye makeup to enhance eye shape , so make eyes look bigger but it will make a little unlucky , as long as the eye first highlight, and draw on the white inner liner , creating a sense of tears of the poor .

Special makeup bags with tears highlight pen or white eye shadow pen light tears bags, and add mascara manufacturing gonna cry like innocent feeling.

Create three-dimensional innocent eyes !

In addition to lying silkworm lovely feeling, at the same time based on the innocent eye makeup , do not think of too droopy eye end is innocent , do not ignore the entire eye contour feeling. Unauthorized use of brown eye shadow tick type , sweep out the gradient in the eyelid and lower eye end 1/ 3 position lying silkworm deepen make more three-dimensional while making eye strain more round day cute, innocent force VIVA !

"Makeup " a lovely !

If you do not this cute eyes muscles , and you really want to have this poor lying silkworm , but dared not do plastic surgery , they had to use some of the ways to do an "artificial lying silkworm " , you can use double eyelid tape, pulled out in tears bags under the Indian position , as like the eyelid , and the effect is also very natural .

"Makeup " out of tears bags , do not forget another highlight tears bags, such as with fake eyelashes more create super innocent sense of the upper eyelid can paste a little thick false eyelashes , and the lower end of eye to affix three beams under false

In addition to eye makeup, pink rouge also help you enhance the degree of cute , remember that fight circle brush .

Pink blush and lip gloss translucent heavy , so bring the whole look soft effect , pink and cute always inseparable .

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