2014 / 06 / 19

4 different tactics skin whitening

Different skin whitening require different solutions in this small series of summer to prepare four different skin whitening tactics to crush you, presumably able to take care of the needs of all skin types, to all the white skin of a crush summer.

First, brown

1, immediately after skincare face painting. After cleansing skin care products are not applied immediately, the skin is more dry and slightly damp skin, more conducive to the absorption of the product.

2, eat more food to enhance whitening whitening power. Usually eat more foods containing vitamin c, can help restore melanin, try to avoid spicy food.

3, do not forget whitening moisturizer. It is not enough only whitening mask, whitening and moisturizing products are best suited for use with mild and non-irritating.

Second, the pale

1, it is important to repair sun sedation. Immediately with whitening products can irritate the skin, first smear sun repair products, and other skin whitening products restore before using.

2, choose their own skin whitening products. Different skin types have different maintenance procedures, composition of certain products such as acid, sensitive skin should be used with caution.

3, regular exfoliating whitening help. Exfoliating can help speed up the metabolism, reduce aggregation of melanin in the epidermis can not be discharged, while facilitating the absorption of skin care products.

Three spots

A thorough cleansing is the first step whitening. Dirt in the face of makeup residue after sun exposure will produce a chemical reaction, easy to form dark spots.

2, an accurate understanding of whitening ingredients. The acid is used to exfoliate the product is best to use at night, during the day to avoid irritation caused by UV rays.

3, uniform color is white focus. Many of the causes of spots by using whitening products to eliminate stubborn speck impractical, so uniform color is very important.

Fourth, the rough

1, black crush also need whitening. Whitening products are not just for the white-skinned girl, oh, Whitening Essence Mask or in translucent black skin.

2, note photosensitive whitening products. Although lemon is rich in vitamin c ingredients, but the high acidity and felt rotation, unfit for use in the daytime.

3, UV rays can accelerate skin aging. Sunscreen is a must every day, not only make the skin black UV is the main reason for accelerated skin aging.

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