2014 / 05 / 21

4 strokes to help you kick the annoying crow's feet

Wrinkles can reflect a woman's age, can make a woman's age is exposed in front of the public. In fact, the wrinkles are not from heaven, nor is it necessarily have a direct relationship with age, but with the habits and maintenance are closely related.

Remove crow's feet one: eat more foods rich in collagen

This type of food, including pig, pig's trotters, turtles and so on. Protein in the skin, especially, the main component is collagen. This increase in skin collagen with storage features, you can moisturize the skin and keep moisture balance of the skin cells inside and outside.

Collagen can be said that the growth of skin cells, the main raw material, make human skin look more plump, soft white, make wrinkles disappear or decrease, so your whole look younger.

Remove crow's feet Method Two: Strengthening Eye Gel

Because the unique winter dry season and when alternating transition stage, is vulnerable to irritate sensitive skin, we recommend that you can choose some moisturizing effect better eye care products.

In addition, after the wash also must rub moisturizing eye products as soon as possible, so that the eye skin to maintain a certain water retention; usually if you want to enhance moisture can also use moisturizing eye mask, Gelly to reinforcement.

Remove crow's feet three: the appropriate choice of cream

Thin fragile skin, eye, so the choice of care product should pay more attention. Generally best to use non-fat, vitamin E particles extracted from natural plant extracts made eye repair product.

So as to avoid irritation to the skin of the eye to prevent moisture loss, so that the skin under the attentive care products, become tight and elastic.

Remove crow's feet four: massage using essential oils

Want to fight eye lines of fine lines, except for the use of related care products, and with the use of some essential oils to massage his eyes to good effect. Corner of massage focuses on the use of V-sign.

You use the left hand middle finger and ring finger apart to sideways V-shaped posture gently pull the corner, then with his right ring finger and middle finger in a circular motion carried essential oil massage.

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