2014 / 05 / 18

After reading surprised ! So much garlic as much as the magical effect of topical
Garlic is a natural broad-spectrum antibiotics plant . Chinese medicine believes that garlic spicy warm, with detoxification, methadone , diarrhea , deworming , bleeding , chills , expectorant effect.
Modern pharmacological studies confirmed that garlic contains about 20% of the volatile oil , which contains capsaicin , Staphylococcus aureus , Streptococcus pneumoniae , streptococcus, diphtheria bacteria, Shigella, E. coli, Salmonella typhi, Candida albicans and other significant the bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. Medicinal Garlic can be taken orally , can also be topical . Here are four topical law:
Intranasal method : take the right amount of garlic , peeled and smashed juice . Intranasally with garlic , 3 times a day . Cure a cold stuffy nose , but also the prevention of influenza .
Rubbed Method: cut garlic , rubbed with athlete's foot section affected area three times a day. Both itching , but also sterilization ; take garlic , leeks , 50 grams of mashed , slightly reheat , rubbed hard psoriasis affected area twice daily.
External Application : boils the beginning , when pain, swelling , take garlic and a little salt and mix thoroughly , wrap the affected area . Twice daily medication can relieve pain ; take a head of garlic , peeled and smashed into a pulpy , add a little flour , and mix thoroughly with vinegar , wrap mumps affected area 3 times a day, three days can be effective.
Sniffing method : 1 to 2 garlic , smashed mud . Nasal absorption of volatile gases which , every 1-3 hours , 1-2 times a day , for better tuberculosis secondary effect ; large garlic mash, into the plastic bottle, open the bottle , try sniff the smell of garlic pungent ( spicy tasteless promptly replaced after new ) . Long-term adherence , can cure chronic bronchitis.

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