2014 / 01 / 14

4 large beautiful skin beauty recipes to eat out

Lead: Different ingredients have different health effects . Know how to mix the ingredients , you can make ordinary food , play the effect of beauty , diet plays cosmetic purposes . Chou Chou Xiao Bian together just below it .

Peach cuttlefish

Ingredients: squid ( ie squid ) 1 , walnuts 6 g .

Practice: first cuttlefish boneless skin wash, and the walnuts and cook , fish cooked to the soup , but eat fish. Can be used for breakfast food.

Efficacy: cuttlefish delicious, rich in vitamins and trace elements, each one hundred grams of squid all contain 13g protein , 0.7g fat , as well as other vitamins a, b, iron , calcium, phosphorus , etc., are all easily absorbed by the human nutrition . For women in particular, eat nourishing cuttlefish , squid contain beneficial blood and kidney, stomach qi , YangYinShengJin effect.

Note : squid taste salty temperature , power post pass through the liver and go ; peach Kugan level , blood stasis , soothing Yuet Yan for melasma and skin wrinkles by .

Lotus peanut trotters soup

Material : Pig 1 , lotus 500 grams , peanuts 50 grams

Practice: lotus root , peeled , washed and cut into pieces ; trotters to the hair, cut into small pieces ( usually buy the store when he requested a cut block ) ; 2 peanuts, trotters , lotus put together the pot , add water ; cover the soup pot , the fire to boil ; boil , skim foam with a spoon to float ; cover the pot , then simmer for 90-120 minutes , season with salt .

Efficacy: This is a blood and beauty of soup , lotus root clearing away heat , Run impatient thirst, pure heart and soothe the nerves of the role , and can constrict blood vessels , lungs and blood, and peanuts can spleen and blood, spleen less blood for anemia a very large therapeutic effect.

Barley porridge yam beauty

Material : yam ( half a ) , barley ( a ) , fresh lily, lotus ( with core ) a little, red dates 5 , wolfberry little

Practice: yam , peeled, washed, cut into small mouth . Other materials are washed, lotus seeds do not take down the middle of the lotus . Fresh lily boiled with water , Sheng out of standby ; put other materials in addition to fresh lilies are outside the pot, add 8 bowls of water, the fire to boil , turn a small fire , and cook for two hours, adding boiled when the fast pan good lily .

Effect: it has " fairy food " in the world , as well as medicinal treatment. Yam contains amylase , polyphenol oxidase nutrients are absorbed conducive stomach ; yam sticky protein , vitamins and trace elements, can also prevent precipitation of lipids in the blood vessel wall , play the prevention of cardiovascular diseases , there is a continuation of aging effect.

Broccoli fried peach

Ingredients: broccoli , walnuts

Practice: After opening the pot of water , add a little salt and vegetable oil , add Ruxi Lan flowers, open water and then boiled for a few seconds ; remove broccoli into the cold water too cold ; cool walnut oil into the pan cool , slowly fry, Sheng out of standby ; pot of oil , oil Liu Cheng hot, add garlic , broccoli , walnuts, stir fry for two minutes, add salt , chicken seasoning

Efficacy: the ability to enhance the skin against damage : Broccoli is rich in vitamin a, vitamin c and carotenoids, can enhance the ability of the skin against damage , but also helps to maintain skin elasticity.

These are the methods of therapeutic beauty . We have to eat a variety of foods every day , if you pay attention , pay attention to a healthy diet , do not eat greasy. Spicy food , then your skin will be able to become more healthy , more white. Skin care , we must do the details, not in the " gutter capsize ."

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