2013 / 12 / 20

3 big beauty whitening food quietly eat soft white muscle

We have to eat every day, if have a choice in the food, so that their daily diet quietly white, beautiful but also extra points for their own health, think that is a very good thing of it. So, whitening recipes are what it, and small series with a look ...

Beauty Cookbook 1 - cabbage stew tofu

Ingredients: 500 grams of tofu, Chinese cabbage 400 grams, vegetable oil 50 grams, 3 grams of salt, MSG 5 grams, 5 grams of green onions, ginger 5 grams, 2 grams of chicken

Practices: the tofu cut into small pieces into the boiling pot cooked; After the cabbage, cut into segments, into chunks cooked pot pour; onions, ginger mince; stir the pot placed on , into vegetable oil pan, the spring onion and ginger flavor blow, adding broth (400 grams), salt, tofu and cabbage; cabbage and tofu stew blend when thrown into the MSG and chicken can be.

Nutritional analysis: protein-rich tofu and tofu protein is a complete protein, containing not only the eight essential amino acids, and the proportion is close to human needs, higher nutritional value; had lower blood lipids, vascular cell protection, the prevention of cardiovascular disease effect. In addition, the tofu aftercare, weight loss, delicate skin very good.

Beauty recipes 2 - Milk nest egg lotus soup

Ingredients: eggs, 100 grams, lotus 100 grams, 50 grams sago, milk, 500 grams, 2 grams of ginger, sugar 15 grams

Practice: sago with clean water for 15 minutes, slightly washed, drained, reserve; lotus seeds to the core, wash; the amount of water injected into the pot, and put lotus seeds and ginger, lotus seeds and cook over low heat with a soft; remove ginger Discard pieces, add sugar and cook dissolved; inject milk boil, put sago, sago to keep stirring to cook for about 10-15 minutes until the discovery of the West has become transparent or sago grains without any inner milky white dots, and then into the eggs one by one, to boil again.

Nutritional Analysis: sago spleen, lungs, phlegm, spleen and stomach and indigestion have governance role; Simi restore the natural moisture of the skin as well as functional, so sago soup popular with people, especially ladies favorite. Milk is rich in protein, vitamins and calcium, potassium, magnesium and other minerals, to prevent dry skin and dull, white skin, shiny.

Beauty recipes 3 - dates white fungus soup

Ingredients: 100 grams of rice, white fungus (dry) 25 grams, jujube (dry) 15 grams, lotus seeds 10 grams, medlar 10 grams, 10 grams of white sugar

Practice: dried white fungus soak in cold water for a long time, choose clean; jujube washed, soaked to the core; seeds, wolfberry were washed, soaked spare; panning clean, soak in cold water for half an hour, remove and drain water ; pot by adding approximately 1000 ml of cold water, the rice, red dates into the first stir boiling; adding white fungus, lotus seeds, wolfberry, sugar, turn simmer eight mature, Shaozhu can.

Nutritional Analysis: white fungus can improve liver detoxification capacity, protect the liver, enhance the anti-tumor immunity. White fungus is rich in vitamin D, can prevent the loss of calcium, good for growth and development. The fungus polysaccharides, can enhance the body's immune system, qi and blood effect. White fungus is rich in natural gum, there is Yin, dryness, heat effect, long-term adherence to drink white fungus soup to nourish the skin and beauty. Fungus in the stomach and intestines of dietary fiber can help reduce fat absorption, weight loss.

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