2013 / 12 / 17

Three kinds of food to help you enjoy the quality of sleep

1 , on behalf of food: millet gruel
Tryptophan food - to reduce arousal
Tryptophan metabolites in the human body to generate 5 - serotonin , which can suppress the central nervous excitement , a certain sense of sleepiness . Meanwhile, 5 - serotonin in the human body can be further transformed to generate melatonin , melatonin has been shown to induce sedation and sleep exact role . Millet is rich in tryptophan most of all grains , add some dinner staple millet should be a good idea to help improve the amount of tryptophan into the brain .
In addition, tryptophan content South melon seeds , yuba , tofu skin , shrimp , seaweed, black sesame seeds and other vegetables are also very high. In addition, tryptophan by carbohydrates, dietary protein combination ( ie eat carbs , eat eat protein sequence ) to successfully enter the brain, giving you a good night's sleep . Therefore , with the wish to eat before going to bed carbohydrate foods.
2 , on behalf of food: whole grains
Vitamin B foods - eliminate irritability
B vitamins have a synergistic effect with each other , can regulate the metabolism , enhanced functions of the nervous system . Whole grains are rich in B vitamins, which has the effect of eliminating irritability, promote sleep . Oats, barley , brown rice, whole wheat bread , whole wheat crackers belong to whole grains .
3 , representatives of food: milk , walnuts
Food calcium and magnesium - relax nerves
The study found that calcium and magnesium and use can be a natural relaxant and sedative . Calcium -rich milk is recognized as the " Sleep to share ." Magnesium content of nuts more clinical , walnuts are often used to treat neurasthenia, insomnia, forgetfulness, dreams and other symptoms. While eating these foods , the effect will be better, but the whole wheat bread in milk may interfere with the absorption of calcium consumption , both of which recommended interval consumption. While proper diet effective for sleep , but individuals vary widely, if poor quality sleep , should consult a doctor .

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