2013 / 12 / 3

10 kinds of effective control appetite healthy diet food

Fat , the most uncomfortable way to watch not eat food . In fact, you can eat some food with satiety , thereby reducing the desire for food , oh . Here are 15 kinds of food have one thing in common - they are able to effectively control your appetite ! Eat these foods , your weight loss plan will not be greedy by delay.
Americans a year would take $ 3 billion above the diet food , diet food , but not how many valid . What better way? Go directly to the supermarket shopping on the line. New research found that there are a dozen foods can help you become an effective satiety , so you are no longer so hobby sugar, boost your metabolism , and ultimately of course, you thinner . These " super foods " also has great benefits for your health too !
1 egg
Do not eat in the morning bake bread. Full of protein eggs , make you more lasting satiety . A study of 30 overweight or obese women found that those who ate a breakfast of scrambled eggs people ( caught in the middle of sandwiches , accompanied by a low-calorie fruit ) compared to those who ate a bag of bread in the next 36 an hour will eat less .
Other studies have also found that eating eggs can effectively prevent blood sugar deviant . Glucose deviant people tend to be difficult to resist the temptation of food .
2 , legumes
Maybe you 've never heard of the word incretin trypsin peptides , but you lose weight but it is a good helper . This digestive hormone is a natural appetite suppressant tools. The question is how can you have enough incretin trypsin peptides ? A University of California study showed that: you can eat legumes . In the study of eight people , after they eat the beans , hormone levels increased twice ( so that food stays in your body for much longer ) . This is significantly higher than the hormone levels just eat low-fiber meal meal ( containing rice ) after .
Health Bonus points: high-fiber beans can lower cholesterol .
3 , salad
When you are in the habit of eating can make belly full of it? I suggest you eat before you eat a big bowl of salad ( best not to add cream ) . Survey of 42 women showed that those who consumed a large portion of low Cacharla people will eat dinner when the official 12 per cent less .
What 's the secret? Scientists pointed out that because you have to eat a large portion of salad, so you hardly make room to eat more food.
Health Bonus points: those who eat salads body contains more vitamin C and vitamin E, folic acid, antioxidant compounds and carotenoids - can defeat the disease invasion.
4 , green tea
Caffeine will never be thin friends. Element is an antioxidant polyphenols , can promote metabolism and help burn fat . A survey in Japan found that 35 men by drinking oolong tea ( containing green tea polyphenols ) weight loss success , but also to promote a new metabolic , BMI index also dropped significantly.
Health Bonus points: in vivo LDL decreased to reduce the incidence of cholesterol .
5 , Sydney
U.S. Food and Drug Administration study showed that Sydney contain high fiber content . A Sydney to contain six grams of fiber content , so you have a great sense of satiety . Apple is only in second place , an apple contains three grams of fiber volume . They contain pectin fiber that can lower blood sugar levels , so before you reduce snacking between meals .
This explains a study in Brazil , its overweight women were 12 weeks of observation. During this period, part of the person being tested every day to eat three apples in Sydney or the results than those who do not eat fruit instead of eating oatmeal and more people cut down the weight .
6 , Tom
Like chicken with a bowl of chicken soup will make your appetite be satisfied. This is done by 18 women and 13 men found in the investigation . What is the reason ? The reason why the soup will make you feel full , because your brain will think the soup is to fill your stomach.
7 , lean
When you lose weight, lean meat that is your choice of food for dinner . Meat , fish and dairy products are rich in protein , and amino acid . The latter allows you to burn calories when maintaining energy to slim down.
A United States for 24 overweight middle-aged women in the survey, respondents eat about 250 grams of beef , the daily intake of 1,700 calories , but more thin , forming a smaller muscle mass. This control calories than simply eating less protein content , but people slim down faster . More importantly, when weight loss is also more pleasant mood .
8 , olive oil
Middle-aged people need to eat more fat flavor of olive oil. As an unsaturated oil , it will make your body burns calories. An Australian survey, breakfast 12 middle-aged women are divided into two categories: breakfast cereal with cream and breakfast cereals home 25 grams of olive oil , olive oil, cereals woman eating better promote metabolism . Olive oil can also be used in salads and bread.
9 , grapefruit
Yes, it also making a comeback . 91 people involved in obesity survey showed that eating half a grapefruit before each meal , drink juice three times a day, 12 weeks down, it will lean 2.7 pounds .
Grapefruit can even contain phytochemicals reduce insulin levels. This will make your body burns calories when calories are not converted into fat , but energy.
10 , Osmanthus
Sprinkle a little flour on Osmanthus oatmeal or whole wheat bread, can effectively prevent the afternoon, the desire to eat sweets . Department of Medicine study showed that even a small amount of Osmanthus able to control postprandial insulin rises, elevated insulin makes you feel hungry .
Health Bonus points: one day a quarter of a small spoon Osmanthus can lower blood sugar , cholesterol and triglyceride content in the human body.

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