2013 / 12 / 1

11 coup power makes you lose weight forever

1 , to develop your " business plan "
All successful challenge requires a careful detailed plan , it can guide you reach your goals , if you do not have such a plan would not know where to start , what to do, how to complete .
Put your goal as a business goal , if you want the customer to complete the task , you can not fight the battle unprepared . Once you decide what the want to do , and to the date of completion , then go to develop a feasible plan of it ( for example : refusing to eat snacks before bed ) , rather than take this fasting inefficient strategy.
2 , make good use of your smartphone
Download various calculations food calories APP, or a weight loss tool that allows them to keep an eye on , monitor your weight loss process.
3 , telling myself not to lose weight will Terrible
Yes, imagine yourself wearing a bikini can make you look like have an incentive to lose weight, but for some people, imagine yourself if you do not lose weight might happen , would better motivate yourself .
There is a fitness instructor , said: "I ask my clients if they insist on maintaining the current state, then five years from now , ten or even twenty years later, their lives will be like it, I also let them imagine , if you miss this opportunity to lose weight , they feel there will be more bad , at this point , be honest with yourself is critical and we are easy to gloss over some things and pretend nothing, but in fact there is a problem . "
4 , with competitive
Referred to lose weight, it means that there is a long race. According to a recent survey in the Journal of Obesity , participate in team competition with the social impact of weight loss , compared to a person lose weight you will lose more than 20% of the body weight. Even more interesting is that the captain would lose more fleshy than the players . The researchers believe may be attributed to their position and participation in the team 's game . So gather your group of friends or colleagues , and lead your team to win it !
5 , photographed every day to lose weight
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words , most recently , the establishment of personal motivation gallery became easier ! You can create a personal photo sharing application diet diary , which track your weight loss process.
Daily Photo ( we recommend you exercise just finished shooting or eating a healthy diet ) can help you record your weight changes are difficult to find , while the weight table does not record it all. Before you are ready to publish the final cut good weight , you must have a lot of back and forth photographs can choose !
6 , to adjust to your surroundings
Tidy up the house , to show the new ( easier ) for you . Store in the refrigerator clean Gerry put healthy food prepared in advance , the fruit bowl on the table beautiful inside , put shoes on the shoe rack entry , the Laundry obey the fitness equipment away, etc. . Adjust the surroundings can make you more likely to want to do to implement .
7 , paste it into his own goal on the mirror
Whether your favorite pencil pants or bikinis , to which a special set to hang up , it will motivate you to lose weight in peacetime . You can also put you particularly want to wear the clothes hanging in the vicinity of the mirror.
"I imagine myself wearing such clothes , that this is what a good feeling ." Because you have bought this dress , then it would not be unrealistic to put a dream , so you go to the gym to lose weight can be mobilized power.
8 , lists the reasons for losing weight
Can look and feel better on the beach , is the reason you want to lose weight is very reasonable. However, this seems not enough to make you long to get inspired . When you are lighter weight , listed a number of things that can make life better now . These things can be the following: make yourself healthier, have more stamina, increase your confidence , buy interesting fashion , for children to maintain and set a good example , that such a desire to hike the Grand Canyon removed from your last wish list because your body and weight healthy, doing such a campaign is very simple. After a list , put it in the hand , often read , especially when you're not tired of it , so you can remind you why you want to stick to weight loss.
9 , hire someone to buy you a gift
In the weight loss process using a gift to reward yourself say it is easy, but doing it more difficult. Too many things you have to do , no time to do such a thing now ! Let your friends to help you do , is not it more interesting , but also more practical .
A friend of mine tried this : she gave a few friends of $ 20 per person , so they each buy a wrapped gift to yourself . Then , each lost 10 pounds ( you can set this number ) , she will open a friend bought her a gift , it is very interesting and full of surprises thing in the weight loss process .
10 , face your fears
Maybe not your lack of motivation , but fear to lose weight really make you flinch . For example, if you insist on regular exercise to lose weight, but found himself always want to go to the gym or go jogging outdoors, then ask yourself why. Really do not want to exercise? Or are you embarrassed to show your figure ?
To help you overcome this fear , you can list a number of other options to continue the movement. For example , at home watching DVD workout , or with your friends to a comfortable place to exercise, such as female sports hall .
11 foster gratitude
If you find yourself losing weight is really not the driving force, even disappointed, try to put the attention on the self-appreciation . And not because they did not lose this week that a pound of flesh to feel guilty.
The normal functioning of the body you want , and it can do to their gratitude ( This will give you this week's campaign to become worthy , right ? ) , From the want their weight loss goals become beautiful , transferred to make yourself healthier, and appreciate your perception , healthy limbs, as well as dancing , walking, running ability .

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