2013 / 11 / 30

8 large yellowish skin problems improve food

1 , soybean products .
Soy isoflavones (isoflavones) is a phytoestrogen , can replace a portion of the role of female hormones that help fight aging , but it also has antioxidant capacity, is to maintain the luster and delicate female skin an indispensable foods
Soy products such as tofu, soy milk ( recommended hold sugar ) is a better choice, and other processed soy products such as tofu hundred pages , tofu and bean curd , etc. , the heat is generally much higher than tofu , like 100 grams Packed soft tofu , tofu traditional heat about 50 to 88 cards, but the same 100 grams of tofu would 160 to 190 cards , 100 to 214 cards tofu , Japanese-style fried bean curd more cards to 385 calories more than 2 -fold difference , best little food .
2 , jujube .
People have " day to eat three dates, life does not look old " argument. Jujube can Spleen Qi , promote blood biochemistry , so ruddy skin moist. Meanwhile , jujube contained protein, carotene, vitamin c, vitamin e, organic acids and phosphorus, calcium, iron and other substances can promote skin cell metabolism , prevent pigmentation .
3 lemons .
Lemon is rich in vitamin c can promote metabolism, anti-aging , whitening , pores , soften cuticles and skin shiny. According to the research , lemon can lower the incidence of skin cancer at the end , as long as a week or so spoonful of lemon juice to the decline in the incidence of skin cancer by 30% .
4 nuts.
Nuts contain unsaturated fatty acids is very good for the skin , can soften the skin from the inside and outside , to prevent wrinkles , while moisturizing skin look younger . Nuts contain vitamin e , not only to reduce and prevent skin lipid production and deposition of lipofuscin , but also to prevent acne .
5 , white radish .
Chinese medicine believes that white radish can "benefit the five internal organs , it is pale ." Modern medical studies have shown understand radish is rich in vitamin c, not only to promote collagen synthesis, improve blood circulation, to ensure that the blood supply to the skin , but also to remove toxins from the body , reducing the formation of melanin , the skin white and delicate .
6 , litchi .
What to eat to improve dull ? Chinese medicine, lychee can " beneficiary color ", which is perhaps the reason for Yang to eat lychee . Research shows that lychee is rich in carbohydrates , protein, fat, salt , dietary fiber , vitamin a, vitamin b, vitamin c, citric acid, malic acid , etc., eaten in moderation , can promote blood circulation in the capillaries , whitening skin. But not too much intake of once every best not more than 10 , not more than three times a week .
7 , fish.
Research found that three times a week to eat fish may protect the skin from UV rays . Long-term fish can provide a natural protection like sunscreen for people to make skin whitening.
8 , milk.
Milk decompose in the body can produce melanin synthesis of linoleic acid , thereby reducing the secretion of melanin , keep skin white.
Well, after all these experts to explain so much about what to eat to improve dull information , I believe we also have some understanding of it .

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